GRC ALT align Track Settings
GRC alignments between primary assembly and alternate loci or patches

Display mode:   

Show only items with score at or above:   (range: 0 to 1000)

Display data as a density graph:

Data schema/format description and download
Assembly: Mouse Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2021-03-03 11:26:13

Primary-ALT align


Alignments between the primary assembly and alternate loci or patches.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Each glyph represents a region of alignment between the primary assembly and alternate locus or patch. This is a gapped alignment. Match regions are shown as solid regions in the glyph, whereas gaps in the alignment are shown as gaps, as if they were introns within a gene.


NGalign alignment program. This track is updated weekly.


Data generated by the Genome Reference Consortium. Contact us via or by emailing


Church DM, et al. (2011) Modernizing Reference Genome Assemblies. PLoS Biol 9(7): e1001091.