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Gencode Genes

PRMT8 (ENST00000382622.4) at chr12:3491203-3593973 - <b>PRMT8</b> ENST00000382622.4 Homo sapiens protein arginine methyltransferase 8 PRMT8 transcript 
PRMT2 (ENST00000355680.8) at chr21:46635674-46665124 -  ... similarity Interacts with NCOA6 coactivator Interacts via SH3 domain with <b>PRMT8</b> Interacts with AR Interacts with NFKBIA Interacts with ESR1 
PRMT1 (ENST00000454376.7) at chr19:49677271-49688447 -  ... nmol min mg enzyme toward H4 Homodimer and heterodimer with <b>PRMT8</b> The dimer can then associate to form a homohexamer 
FYN (ENST00000354650.7) at chr6:111660332-111873452 -  ... this site Interacts via its SH3 domain with PIK3R1 and <b>PRMT8</b> Interacts with FYB PAG1 and SH2D1A Interacts with CD79A 
EWSR1 (ENST00000397938.7) at chr22:29268268-29300521 -  ... Methylation is mediated by PRMT1 and at lower level by <b>PRMT8</b> Defects in EWSR1 are a cause of Ewing sarcoma 
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