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Gencode Genes

CARS1-AS1 (ENST00000499962.1) at chr11:3029394-3041260 - <b>CARS1-AS1</b> ENST00000499962.1 Homo sapiens CARS1 antisense RNA 1 CARS1-AS1 long 
CARS1 (ENST00000380525.9) at chr11:3000929-3057423 - <b>CARS1</b> ENST00000380525.9 Homo sapiens cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 1 CARS1 transcript variant 
CARS2 (ENST00000257347.9) at chr13:110641417-110706116 - <b>CARS2</b> ENST00000257347.9 Homo sapiens cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 2 mitochondrial CARS2 transcript 
CARS1 (ENST00000633248.1) at chr11_KI270831v1_alt:231984-288645 - <b>CARS1</b> ENST00000633248.1 Homo sapiens cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 1 CARS1 transcript variant 
CARS1-AS1 (ENST00000632904.1) at chr11_KI270831v1_alt:260451-272285 - <b>CARS1-AS1</b> ENST00000632904.1 Homo sapiens CARS1 antisense RNA 1 CARS1-AS1 long 
ALK (ENST00000389048.8) at chr2:29192774-29921586 -  ... myofibroblastic tumors IMTs Translocation t 2 11 p23 p15 with <b>CARS</b> translocation t 2 4 p23 q21 with SEC31A Note 
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