Schema for kg5ToKg6
  Database: hg19    Primary Table: kg5ToKg6    Row Count: 77,614   Data last updated: 2012-01-04
Format description: Lists old genes and equivalent new genes if any, and reason for dropping if any.
On download server: MariaDB table dump directory
fieldexampleSQL type info description
oldId uc001aaa.3varchar(255) values Old gene ID
oldChrom chr1varchar(255) values Old chromosome
oldStart 11873int(11) range Old start position
oldEnd 14409int(11) range Old end position
newId uc001aaa.3varchar(255) values New gene ID, may be empty
status exactvarchar(255) values How new/old correspond. Exact and compatible are good. Overlap, none are bad.
note  varchar(255) values Additional info if status if overlap or none.

Sample Rows
uc009vis.2chr11436216765uc009vis.3compatibleBases added to UTR
uc009vit.2chr11436219759uc009vit.3compatibleBases added to UTR
uc001aae.3chr11436219759uc001aae.4compatibleBases added to UTR
uc009viu.2chr11436219759uc009viu.3compatibleBases added to UTR
uc001aab.3chr11436224901uc001aah.4overlapDifferent number of exons
uc001aah.3chr11436229370uc001aah.4compatibleBases added to UTR
uc009vir.2chr11436229370uc009vir.3compatibleBases added to UTR

Note: all start coordinates in our database are 0-based, not 1-based. See explanation here.